The Project

Story Sequences | Script | Audio Samples | Reference Works | Midpoint Slides


This project is a sound installation artwork with a cause in mind. It aims to create public awareness regarding the controversial nature of dolphin drive hunting in Japan. Targeted mainly at students and facilitators in Republic Polytechnic, animal conservationists and those who have keen interest in artistic works as such, the installation intends to use sound as the primary tool to allow audiences to personally “witness” the brutality imposed on these harmless mammals. We believe that our decision in making this a sound installation project is so that we can bring forth a considerable emotional response as audiences interact with the installation through sound and sight.

An exhibition room will specially be constructed inside the polytechnic to house the sound installation. Once inside the four walls, audiences will be brought into a journey with the dolphins – from the point fishermen set out to hunt them to the point the fishermen slit their throats and leave them to slowly die in the cold air.

Our goal is to appropriately apply audio production as well as recording techniques covered in school. We aim to challenge ourselves by expanding the prior knowledge and skills required to carry out the project. At the same time, we intend to define our position as sonic artists by expressing a purposeful message that supports a real-world cause. We hope that the result of this project is not only convincing because of its technicalities but also inspiring for the cause it stands up for.


We believe that this project on dolphin drive hunting is a relevant cause to work towards because it is an on going situation in our world today, receiving a fair bit of attention in the media. But the question still remains to be answered – is it really necessary to take such brutal actions? That is the question we want our audience to ponder about.

To obtain sounds true to the actual event, we intend to seek the Marine Mammal Research Laboratory and the Acoustics Research Laboratory at the National University of Singapore to assist us by providing us with a mini-library of dolphin audio clips. From there we can use a series of audio production techniques to recreate, manipulate or enhance the audio clips to meet the needs of our sonic landscape.

Apart from sounds created by dolphins we have other sounds, which include but are not limited to, fishermen dialogue, metal rods hitting on boats, motor from boats and ship, waves, trucks, and cranes. With the creative application of Foley recording techniques, we will able to recreate these sounds.

As for equipment, we will try our best to save on expenditure by using only what is necessary. Republic Polytechnicʼs School of the Technology for the Arts Equipment Lab has a selection of resources that we plan to loan. They include a TESCAM Portable High-Definition Stereo Audio Recorder (HD-P2), two Sennheiser MKH416 condenser microphones, two Shure SM63 dynamic microphones, and an Audio-Technica headphone among others. We understand that twenty installation loudspeakers is quite a large number. This however, is already half the quantity we originally intended. We are confident to be able to hire the speakers we need from a local musical equipment company.

We aim to be true to the actual event – a reenactment that includes, still images, narration and a soundtrack to bring forth a holistic experience. Our team will make use of several audio production techniques. They include sound synthesis, surround sound, foley techniques, multitrack recording, audio effects, and a detailed study into sound routing and acoustic designing.


Boon Musical Instrument Centre – Rental

DolphinEar Hydrophone

DVD Players – Basic Guide to DVD Players – DVD Player Audio and Video Features

Hydrophone – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

L1 Speaker Technology – Bose – Products for Musicians – 828mk3 Overview

Speakers | Products | Yamaha Pro Audio


Freesound Organization

One Response to “The Project

  1. Weblog Updates « Dolphin Drive Hunting | A Sound Installation Artwork Project Says:

    […] at The Project, I’ve added two new pages, Script and Midpoint […]

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